Join our Team
Please select the appropriate link below for to join our mailing list, register as a consingor, enter items, select a check-in appointment or team member shifts and more.
Team Member Opportunities
Consignors can increase earnings and shop early by joining our team and help making the sale more successful.
Consignors have the option of volunteering up to 3 shifts for a total of up to 75% of earnings. Consignors that choose not to volunteer take home 60% of their earnings. 1-4 hour shift earns 65%, 2-4 hour shifts earn 70% and 3-4 hour shifts earn 75% of earnings. Volunteering helps the sale run smoother, we all sell more, and you get to keep more of what you make. Some team members even enjoy the time they spend at the sale.
Volunteering for 1 or more shifts qualifies you to shop during the day on Friday, before the official pre-sale. Exact times will be emailed prior to the sale.
If volunteering, we ask that you make sure you have made arrangements for children, as children are not allowed during volunteer shifts. For team members volunteering for back-to back shifts, water and small snacks will be provided. If you are in need of a meal, please arrange that on your own around the scheduled shifts. If you would like to volunteer and have any special needs, please let me know and we can determine if there are activities you can do. Most shifts require an average or above average level of physical activity, moving around the sale, carrying items and assisting customers as needed. Please keep this in mind when considering volunteer shifts.
Use this link to access our mailing list, registration and consignor login for any current CTKC Sale :
Danbury Fall 2019 registration and login​
Returning Users that already have a My Consignment Manager Account:
New Consignors/Sellers that do not yet have a My Consignment Manager Account:
We are expanding! If you are interested in participating in consignment sales in Orange County and/or Ulster County New York, please contact me and let me know. I am creating consignor and shopper notifications now for both new locations.
​Ansonia Spring 2019 registration and login​
Returning Users that already have a My Consignment Manager Account:
New Consignors/Sellers that do not yet have a My Consignment Manager Account: